Emergency Services

If your matter does not require immediate response call the following numbers:

101 – The non-emergency number for the police

111 – The non-emergency medical number

Call 999 in an emergency situation requiring an immediate response

Humberside Fire and Rescue

https://humbersidefire.gov.uk/ 01482 565333 Humberside Fire and Rescue Service,

Summergroves Way,

Hull, HU4 7BB

Humberside Police

Police non-emergency number 101

The Town Council is served by the Dale neighbourhood policing team. For more information about the team and Humberside Police visit the website: https://www.humberside.police.uk/teams/dale

Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Medical non-emergency medical number 101 https://www.yas.nhs.uk/ 0333 130 0550 Trust Headquarters, Brindley Way,

Wakefield 41 Business Park, Wakefield, WF2 0XQ

Humber Rescue (Coastguard)

http://humber-rescue.co.uk/ 01482 648200 9 Woodside, Lawnswood, Tranby Ave, HU13 0PU

Humber Coastguard Operations Centre HM Coastguard, Limekiln Lane, Bridlington, YO15 2LX 01262 672 317