Town Council Meetings

Meeting Dates 2024-25

The date, time and agenda for each meeting is advertised on the website and on Town Council noticeboards. Members of the public are very welcome to attend these meetings.

All meetings are open to members of the press and public except for any specific item marked as a Confidential Session under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, where the public/press would be asked to leave the room for the duration of the item or items in question.

It should be noted that members of the press and public may not speak when the Council or a committee is in session.

There is a meeting of the Town Council (Full Council) on the third Tuesday of every month (except August). A Public Forum is held during the meeting.  No decisions can be made during the Public Forum section of the agenda.

Full Town Council Meetings

What is the role of Council?

The Town Council holds a monthly meeting on the third Tuesday of every month (except for August) at 7.00 pm at The Old Library, 44, Elloughton Road, Brough.

This meeting is often referred to as ‘Full Council’ as all the members of the Town Council are summoned to attend.

It is at this meeting that the Town Council makes major policy and spending decisions. The precept (the Town Council’s element of Council Tax) is set by Full Council.

A Public Forum is held near the start of each meeting. During this time Council cannot take decisions based on comments from the public unless an item is already on the agenda.

It should be noted that members of the public may not speak when the Council is in session.

Once a year the Town Council holds an ‘Annual Meeting of the Town Council’ at which a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Town Council are elected for the year. Appointments to internal committees and representations on external bodies are also made, key documents are reviewed and important arrangements considered.

Annual Parish Meeting

What is the Annual Parish Meeting?

The meeting is usually held between the March meeting of Council and the start of May. The meeting is usually held at 6:30pm in the Town Council Office, Elloughton Road.

An Annual Parish Meeting consists of the local government electors of a parish. Its purpose is to discuss parish affairs, which could be any local issue, activity or subject matter which a parish meeting may wish to discuss, debate and potentially influence.

More importantly it allows a local council to engage with the local electorate. Even if the Parish Council disagrees with the issues raised, or related arguments, the council members’ attendance and involvement in the Annual Parish Meeting would demonstrate that the council is prepared to take account of local residents’ views.

Annual Meeting of the Town Council

Committee Meetings

  • The Finance and Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for the proper financial management of the Council and strategic planning. It monitors spending and works with the Town Clerk to develop policies and plans. The Committee also presents an annual budget, including the precept, recommendation for Council’s approval.

  • The Town Council is consulted by the relevant planning authority, which is the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, on all planning applications. Any views expressed by the Town Council are taken into account before a decision is made. The final decision is made by the Planning Authority, not the Town Council.

  • The Committees primary function is to manage property (land and assets) for the safety of all users and consider matters relating to the general environment of the area (except for planning and highways matters).

    Specifically it considers matters of general care and improvement, such as, seats, shelters, paths & foot-ways, signs, notice boards, lights, play areas, allotments, street furniture, trees, land and structures.

  • The Committee considers all matters relating to the Town Council’s events, publicity and associated fund raising activities.

    It manages and coordinates events on behalf of the Town Council, oversees the production and distribution of the newsletter (Petuaria Press), identifies and accesses appropriate sources of funding and liaises with local groups in the planning of events in the Town Council area.

  • The Committee provides effective and professional oversight of personnel arrangements at the Town Council.

    Its oversees compliance with the relevant legislation, best practice relating to personnel issues, recruitment, training, as well as, setting out strategy and policy in all personnel matters. The Committee also recommends a ‘staffing’ budget once a year to the Finance & Strategic Planning Committee.ion