Batch 2, traffic survey number 61, location Welton Low Road, Elloughton

Traffic Management have commissioned a Traffic Survey to be undertaken w/c 8th March 2021 at the above location.

This survey was delayed from November 2020, due to Covid-19 restrictions. Now we are certain that schools are returning on the 8th we are able to advise you that it is going ahead.

The following information may be useful to you in responding to questions from both residents, and Councillors, regarding these surveys.

Q: Why are these surveys being undertaken at this time and in this location?

The survey is being undertaken to gain data on the traffic flow and speed in this location in response to community concerns with speed.

Q: What will the survey achieve?

This survey will bring the location into the Council’s speed management programme, or update previous survey data. It will give data on speed, type and volume of traffic over a 24 hour x 7 day period. When this information is combined with Police collision data, it provides a score which indicates the level and priority of further review.

Q: Why is the equipment placed at this point in the road?

The equipment has been placed with careful consideration as to the site, in order to give valid results, and to comply with the restrictions placed on the siting of such equipment.

Q: Who is this data shared with?

An analysis of the data will be sent to the Clerk when it is completed and audited. This process can take a number of months depending on resource. In locations where there is a need for further review, the data will be available after the final feed-back is received. The data is also shared with the Police and Safer Roads Humber.

Q: How reliable is the survey?

The survey data can be invalidated due to equipment failure, parked vehicles on the data collection lines, vandalism and weather conditions