East Riding of Yorkshire Climate Change Questionnaire: Offline version

What changes would you like to see in your community to fight Climate Change? Your ideas will help to shape our Climate Change Strategy.

Climate Change has become a Climate Crisis. East Riding of Yorkshire Council is committed to taking action at a local level to reduce our carbon emissions and create a healthier, safer, and more sustainable future for all.

The questions we have put together aim to build a better understanding of your thoughts and views on climate change. At this stage, we are seeking feedback and ideas only. As our Climate Change Strategy develops, there will be more opportunities to share your views. We look forward to hearing what you have to say! We are collecting this data anonymously, so please do not include your name anywhere on the questionnaire.

To align with our aims of becoming more sustainable, we are encouraging as many people as possible to complete this questionnaire online at: https://climatechangeeryc.commonplace.is/. However, to ensure accessibility to all residents across the East Riding, a small number of printed questionnaires are being made available on request at East Riding libraries and customer service centres. You must be over the age of 13 to complete this questionnaire.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this questionnaire in more detail, you can email the Climate Change Team: climate.change@eastriding.gov.uk or call us on: (01482) 391758

Please find the offline document attached. These documents can be printed off and returned back to East Riding libraries and customer service centres. 

Commonplace Questionnaire