Elloughton cum Brough Town Council participated in the Great British September Clean

We’re proud to be supporting and participating in Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean. Elloughton cum Brough Town Councillors, Cllr Luckraft and Cllr Hakes, along with East Riding of Yorkshire Ward Councillor, Cllr Meredith and the Town Clerk, Philippa Beverley and Deputy Town Clerk Danika Lynch collected 5 bags of rubbish from the Burrs and Welton Road area whilst participating in the Great British September Clean.

There is still time to get involved – host a private clean-up of up to 5 family or friends or pledge to do your own litter pick up to the 27th September. You can register your group of up to 5 at keepbritaintidy.org/gbspringclean .