Today's update on the new 'Living with Covid' Guidance:

The legal requirement for positive cases to self-isolate in England will end on 24 February, as will self-isolation support payments.

This will be replaced by guidance for people with COVID-19 to stay at home and avoid contact with others.

The advice for fully vaccinated contacts and those aged under 18 to undertake daily testing, and the legal requirement for contacts who are not fully vaccinated to self-isolate, will also end. This will be replaced by guidance for close contacts on what they can do to limit the risk of infection to themselves and others. Contact tracing will also end, along with venue check-ins on the app, on 24 February.

Free testing will end for most people from 1 April. From that point there will be some limited ongoing free testing available for a small number of at-risk groups – the Government will set out further details on which groups will be eligible. Free symptomatic testing will remain available to social care staff.

For further advice visit:

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