National Flood Awareness Week 2022

Humber 2100+ Winter Comms Campaign 2022/23

Sea level rise and extreme weather events are likely to have a very real and direct impact on our lives. As sea levels continue to rise and storms become more frequent, tidal flood events will happen more often. Within a few decades we could experience tidal flooding that used to happen once a century every year. The Humber 2100+ partnership is working together to plan how tidal risk is managed over the next 100years. The scale of risk now and in the future will mean that we all must be prepared for the impacts so that we can recover more quickly from flooding when it happens. This winter the partnership is working to raise awareness of tidal flood risk, to help communities understand the impacts now and in the future, and how they can live with risk by being prepared.

See here for the latest newsletter with more helpful information on our local flood threat.